Australia Day: From the Nutbush to quokka selfies: 101 things that prove you’re a true blue Aussie

What does it mean to be Australian? Most of us will have a fairly set opinion on defining characteristics — perhaps mateship, perhaps the sense of a fair go, maybe a love of sport.
But then there’s the other stuff: the stuff that really makes us culturally Australian. Test how you measure up on the ways that prove you’re true blue.
- You can finish these lyrics: “He just smiled and gave me a …”
- Your butter to vegemite ratio is perfected over many years of trial and error
- You’ve said, “that isn’t a knife, that’s a knife”, while handing someone cutlery
- Your mum knows the Nutbush (in fact, so do you)
- You haven’t had a polony and sauce sandwich in years, but wouldn’t say no
- You can finish this famous quote: “Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is ….”
- You can name who said the above quote
- You can kick a Sherrin in thongs
- You call everyone “mate” even if you don’t know them
- You know where Bon Scott is buried
- You think Bali is a country
- You know the true dangers of drop bears
- You can sing all the words to the Home and Away theme tune
- You know the alternate chorus to The Angels’ Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again
- You’ve had a democracy sausage
- You remark certain things are “noice, different, unusual”
- You call it SOCCER
- You think that John Farnham’s You’re the Voice is the national anthem
- Your mum made you a cake from the Australian Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Book
- You’ve had a thong tan
- You know what girt by sea means
- But you don’t know the second verse of the national anthem
- You put chicken salt on everything
- You’ve taken a photograph at one of the “Big Things”
- You’ve been to Kalgoorlie
- You’ve had your tongue burnt by a meat pie
- You’ve sung Sweet Caroline at a sporting match
- You’ve swallowed a fly
- You’ve seen an emu
- You wear Hard Yakka workwear socially
- You’ve had a chiko roll from a servo
- You’ve said “undies, undies, bathers” when you’ve seen someone in speedos far from the beach
- You treat a mozzie bite by marking a cross with your fingernail
- You’ve yelled “taxi” when someone drops something at a party
- You can name the town Alf Stewart is from
- You’ve had a Sunday session
- Each summer’s day you wait for the “Doctor” to arrive
- You know something special goes “straight to the pool room”
- You’ll know the missing word in this line from a famous poem: “I love a ... country”
- You’ve bowled your grandma out for a duck in the backyard
- You’ve used a dunny
- You would rather be benched in netball than have to play in WA or WD
- You own at least 30 stubby holders that you never use
- You have no shame in claiming pavlova, Crowded House and Russell Crowe
- Your driveway doubles as a cricket pitch and your rubbish bin is the stumps
- You know there’s only two seasons in a year — footy season and cricket season
- You’ve branded yourself with your car’s seatbelt buckle on a 40C day
- You know whose last words were “Such is Life”
- You think a song about a bloke in jail dreaming about gravy is festive
- You’ve eaten a Bertie Beetle
- You’ve watched a sunset over the Indian Ocean
- You say no worries more than once a day
- You’ve experienced third degree burns on your feet at the beach
- You know what a snag is
- You’ve taken a selfie with a quokka
- You’ve swung off a Hills Hoist
- You’ve heard the shark alarm ring while swimming at the beach
- Your plastic drink bottle has melted in your car on a 40C day
- You remember that one time you went to Melbourne you visited the real Ramsay Street
- Your curfew as a kid was when the streetlights came on
- You’ve told someone, “you’re terrible, Muriel”
- You’ve slept in a swag
- You’ve been swooped by a magpie
- You’ve burnt yourself on a mozzie coil
- You’ve had a ‘tea party’ at the bottom of the pool
- You wear a Bunnings hat to do the gardening
- You know that Tim Tams are the greatest chocolate biscuit in the world
- You know the only place to be on Boxing Day is in front of the cricket
- The only greeting you ever use is “How ya going?”
- You know to put an “o” on the end of everything
- You know who Barnsey and Farnsey are
- You know a thong is something you wear on your feet
- You’ve burned your legs on the seats at Optus watching the Scorchers ... and it was worth it
- You have the footy fixtures on your fridge
- You consider fairy bread the ultimate party food
- You’ve pulled a Steven Bradbury
- You live in the bush not the countryside
- You think Horses by Daryl Braithwaite is the best song EVER
- You have no idea what your mate does for work but you know which footy team they support.
- You’ve played two-up
- You think 20C is cold
- You can finish this sentence: “My dad picks the fruit that goes to Cottees, to make the ....”
- You’ve screamed “Jesaulenko” while taking a screamer on your little brother
- You’ve danced to Eagle Rock at a wedding
- You can remember where you were when Cathy Freeman won gold at the Sydney Olympics
- You think Ugg boots are perfectly acceptable to wear to the shops
- The only day you punt is Melbourne Cup Day
- You know to slip, slop, slap
- You would have been drafted in the AFL if you weren’t injured
- You know to swim between the flags
- You know why the coat of arms is a kangaroo and an emu
- You know there’s a difference between chips and hot chips
- You loved Big Ted, Little Ted and Jemima
- You studied a Tim Winton book at school
- You’ve headbanged to AC/DC
- You think fish and chips on the beach at sunset is the height of romance
- You can finish these lyrics: “I am, you are, we are ...”
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