Check dates on boat flares

Robert DoughertyNorth West Telegraph
Camera IconFremantle Volunteer Sea Rescue Service. A flare being lit. Credit: Total Advertising

The Department of Transport is warning Pilbara boaties to check their flares are in date, with 16.5 per cent of vessels found not to be carrying serviceable flares since July last year.

DoT manager safety education Laurie Adams said the trend was alarming and 5 per cent above average of the 109 safety compliance checks carried out in the Pilbara since July 2017.

“It’s a concerning trend, and mirrors the situation in the Kimberley. In-date flares are required safety equipment for boating in open waters and skippers who fail to carry them are risking their lives,” he said.

Marine safety education officers were on hand at the FeNaClNG Festival over the weekend reinforcing the importance of having the correct safety equipment and providing tips on safe boating.

Officers have also been promoting a 30-second challenge which tests skippers’ readiness for an emergency in 30 seconds.

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