Conservation plan protectsbiodiversity

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

On-ground conservation action will be guided by a new report released by one of Australia’s largest conservation groups, Greening Australia.

Released earlier this month, the Conservation Action Planning process aims to ensure the long-term health of the Pilbara region by providing a framework for planning and implementing projects across the region in a co-ordinated manner.

Lead author of the report and Greening Australia WA conservation planner Barry Heydenrych said the report was prepared as part of Pilbara Corridors, a partnership formed between Greening Australia, Rangelands NRM and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to address bio-diversity threats in the Pilbara.

“To build on the work undertaken during the CAP process, we hope to see the formation of a Pilbara-based conservation working group to collaborate on priority projects and secure support via new and emerging biodiversity funding opportunities,” he said.

“Ultimately, we hope that the CAP will assist in getting best bang for our conservation buck in a vast landscape where remarkable natural assets are facing sustained pressure from a range of threats.”


Beginning with 60 strategies in its first draft, the plan consists of 18 strategies and opportunities for landscape scale collaboration and partnerships to achieve lasting biodiversity outcomes.

Strategies include improving the status of wildlife such as the greater bilby and northern quoll, reducing the threat of feral predators, weeds and inappropriate fires, and building the capacity of people involved with on-ground work.

The report also suggests key strategies for immediate action, including eradicating cactus from the Damper Archipelago, turtle management on Pilbara beaches, expansion of co-ordinated cross tenure fire management, and knowledge management of Pilbara data.

The report also showcased significant conservation projects already taking place in the Pilbara, providing examples of community-led initiatives that work well.

While released last month, the development of the conservation plan is ongoing, with Greening Australia continually receiving input and feedback from stakeholders throughout the Pilbara.

For more information on Greening Australia or to read the plan in full, visit or email

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