Free breast screenings

Sophia ConstantineNorth West Telegraph
Camera IconRadiographer Judy Schroeder in Kalgoorlie last year. Credit: Louise White.

BreastScreen WA will offer free mobile mammography services at Newman District Hospital this month.

The screenings are scheduled to run from March 16-23 for women aged 40 or over.

BreastScreen WA said 135 women received a mammogram during their most recent visit to Newman in 2015 and they were expecting 150 women to use the service this year.

North Metropolitan Health Service data revealed breast cancer was the most common life- threatening cancer for women, with one in eight women developing breast cancer in their lifetime.

The data also revealed more than 75 per cent of breast cancer victims were women over the age of 50, making screening the most effective for that age group.

BreastScreen WA medical director Dr Elizabeth Wylie said screening every two years was “vitally important” to increase the chance of breast cancer being detected when it is too small to be noticed.

Once the service is completed in Newman, it will move to Broome and Derby.

Appointments are necessary and can be made online at

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