Illustrations inspire students

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Port Hedland Primary School students learned the importance of pictures in stories this week with the Literature Centre visiting on one of their many Pilbara workshops.

This month, Year 1 students were elated to read along and learn about the author and artist to the book ‘Where are you Banana?’ written by Sofie Laguna illustrated by Craig Smith.

The visits have encouraged students to see English and literature in a new light, with six-year-old Jett Bowra saying the workshop has made him want to be an artist.

“I like how he draws the picture and paints Banana so beautifully,” he said.

“I would want to do the pictures over the writing one day, too, because I’m really good at art.”


Education officer for the Literature Centre Beck Blaxell said visiting regional Australian schools were some of her most favourite students, as they have some of the most interesting insights into books she has ever experienced.

“I get some really unique and insightful answers, especially from indigenous students — it’s some of the best answers I’ve ever had,” she said. “These students know how to read, but their cognitive awareness and comprehension is phenomenal.

“These workshops really gives those children who aren’t the best in traditional learning a chance, particularly in English where they don’t normally have a chance to shine. They have the knowledge there, they just need a way to express it.”

Student in Hedland and Newman will have another chance to experience The Literature Centre workshops and have the opportunity to meet Queensland author Michael Gerard Bauer next month.

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