Medical mentor recognised

Sophia ConstantineNorth West Telegraph
Camera Icon2018 students Joseph Di Francesco, Belinda Pinskier, Rachael Webster, Tara Losic, Jordan Korol, and William Smith pictured with RCS Academic Services Officer Marilyn Duirs and Associate Professor Rob Whitehead.

Port Hedland Associate Professor Rob Whitehead has been named best teacher in a clinical/practicum setting for his work with the Rural Clinical School students of 2017.

The University of Western Australia’s annual teaching awards, held on May 25, receive hundreds of applications from around the city and State. Dr Whitehead moved to Port Hedland in 2003 having worked in Victoria and joined the RCS in 2004.

Dr Whitehead said it was encouraging to see a Pilbara program had been recognised as being able to compete with what the big cities had to offer.

“I was happy to win this on behalf of my colleagues and students that I have worked with in the last couple of years,” he said.

“It’s been really great being able to help set up the program in the Pilbara and to see it mature and see many student doctors come through and have a fantastic time here. We had a really great bunch of students in 2017 and the main thing is when they come here, their enthusiasm is infectious.

“They’re young and bright and they’re keen to learn and that makes myself and the other RCS staff members want to do a good job and help them to excel.”

He said the program aimed to drive students to come back after completing their studies and make up the core of the rural workforce.

“The purpose of our program is to try and encourage this generation to vote with their feet and become the rural doctors that Pilbara communities need,” he said.

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