Qantas ends direct flights to Victoria

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Qantas has ended direct flights to Melbourne from Port Hedland and locals are forced to find alternative routes to get to the Garden State.

While the decision to end the direct flights had been made earlier in the year, flights officially ended last Tuesday.

Previously, Port Hedland International Airport had Qantas flights direct to Melbourne every Tuesday along with direct weekly flights to Brisbane and Bali and daily flights to Perth.

To fly to Melbourne now, travellers must now fly via Brisbane or Perth from Port Hedland.

Public discussion has been negative on the change as many felt blind-sided by the end of the flights, according to social media.


“It's madness,” said Facebook user Annie Edwards-Cameron.

“That flight is always packed and makes such a difference to those that have another flight or two afterwards.”

Port Hedland International Airport chief executive Mitchell Cameron said the decision to cancel flights was out of their hands; however, they were actively rallying for more flights.

“We are constantly liaising with airline operators for new opportunities for flight services,” he said.

“We would encourage any airline to fly to as many locations as possible.”

Since the end of the direct Melbourne flights, rumours have been rampant about the future of direct flights between Port Hedland and Brisbane.

However, Mr Cameron stressed there was no indication at the moment that the Brisbane flights would be changing.

When asked about future flights out of PHIA, Mr Cameron said the public could help keep flights in Port Hedland and encourage airlines to accommodate the Pilbara customers.

“If you choose to use the flights, they’ll survive,” he said.

“It’s all about getting bums on seats.”

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