Ratepayers Association clarify constitution amendments

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

The Port Hedland Ratepayers Association has clarified what the special meeting will entail next week as it presents the new draft constitution to members.

Speaking to David Eckhart of Spirit Hedland this morning, association spokesman Arnold Carter said the definition of what makes a person a ratepayer is now very specific with the alterations.

“We classified a ratepayer, on his membership form, has got to quote his ratepayer number on his application for for rates payable to the Town of Port Hedland,” he said.

“We were looking to include rate payers and residents but it was too broad. resident don’t really make any contribution to the rates of Port Hedland so we decided that one would come out.”

The amendments to the constitution come after heavy criticism over who were eligible to become members and run for committee positions.

Mr Carter said the Association would hold a special council meeting, if the amendments were adopted, to re-establish the executive committee if need be.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 12, at the Yacht Club for a 7pm start.

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