Teen scout tests limits

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Great things can come from pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, according to the latest success story from Newman Scouts.

Phoebe Church, 14, is the latest recipient of the Australian Scouts Medallion after completing the course in the record time of two-and-a -half years.

Considered the pinnacle of scouting at the junior stage, the medallion is the highest award in the Scout Section and usually takes four years to complete.

Having starting at age 11, Phoebe said her time at Newman Scouts had been “awesome”.

“It’s just an amazing thing to do,” she said.


“It’s a thing where you go out of your comfort zone a lot but you meet so many people.

“I have friends across the world that I talk to ... it’s just an awesome thing to be a part of,” she said.

Camera IconPhoebe Church being awarded the Scouts Medallion by Scouts leader Suzy Oldman.

“The scouts become like your family. You get to spend heaps of time with other people and meet new people, travel the world and experience activities other people wouldn’t usually get the chance to do.”

With the accomplishment completed in just over half the usual time, Phoebe said she was really motivated to receive the medallion.

“I was just really motivated and I really wanted it,” she said.

“I always like to push myself, and my leaders helped me push it to my limit.

“I just loved it and kept doing it, kept pushing and got the leaders to go that extra mile with me.”

It’s a thing where you go out of your comfort zone a lot but you meet so many people.

Newman Scouts Group leader Suzy Oldman said she had nominated Phoebe for Youth Australian of the Year, thanks to her efforts and leadership qualities shown during her time at scouts.

“It’s been a huge honour to watch her grow into a young woman and see her accomplish so much,” she said.

“She’s been to Thailand and America with Scouts WA, she sits on the WA youth council and been the representative for youth up here, and just been a huge role model for younger kids.”

Phoebe has her eyes on a new prize in the form of the Queen’s Scout Award — the highest youth award achievable in scouts.

Phoebe said despite having to wait six months to be in the age bracket to start the process for the next award, she was eager to sink her teeth into the new challenge.

To find out more about Scouts WA, visit scouts.com.au.

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