Town addresses public lighting issue

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Town of Port Hedland is to shine bright as an audit begins to replace all the public lighting throughout the town.

In response to recent complaints and comments on the lack of public lighting, Mayor Camilo Blanco said the local government had already been proactive on the issue and had begun to make plans to replace the lighting.

After a self-confessed “little whinge”, writer Liliana Battle took to social media and said she had an abrupt end to a late-afternoon barbecue after not being able to see after sunset.

“There are no lights working, so once we watched the sunset and filled our plates we were in total darkness,” she said.

“Come on Hedland. Turn the lights on, it’s ridiculous we can’t enjoy a night out and have public lighting on.”


The social media complaint met support from the community as one member suggested Ms Battle report the fault to the Town of Port Hedland.

In response, Mr Blanco said the lighting issue had already been on the authority’s radar.

“We are in the process of developing a strategy to replace all the lights with LED ones,” he said.

“This will not only brighten the town, it will also save money in terms of cost to run the lights and they will be less likely to break when vandalised.”

Mr Blanco also encouraged community members to report faults and issues with services to the Town rather than on social media as only then could officers address the issues. To report faults, email or call 9158 9300.

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