
'Blood on hands' claim by MLC

ALEX MASSEYNorth West Telegraph

Mining and Pastoral Region MLC Jon Ford says the State Government will have blood on its hands if it continues to neglect basing permanent mine safety inspectors in the Pilbara.

Information obtained from a Legislative Assembly estimates committee hearing reveals the Pilbara currently has just one Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) inspector living in the region full time.

The Eastern Goldfields and South West mining regions have 14 and eight inspectors based in Kalgoorlie and Collie respectively, while Port Hedland and Newman have none.

Mr Ford said comments by DMP resources safety division executive director Malcolm Russell that it was “simply more efficient and effective to service the region from Perth” were a cop out.

Mr Ford said the decision to base 11 North West inspectors in Perth was purely a cost cutting exercise because the government didn’t want to spend the extra money providing housing in the Pilbara.

“They’re replacing (permanent inspectors) with an inefficient fly-in fly-out service. Instead of being proactive they’re being reactive,” Mr Ford said.

“It’s a ridiculous situation where I have people on a weekly basis coming through my door to discuss their safety concerns.”

Mr Russell said while funding dedicated to the Pilbara had increased, the ultimate responsibility for safety in the resources sector lied with the companies themselves.

Mr Ford countered, saying it was such sentiment that had led to a culture of acceptance for unsafe practices in the industry.

“This ‘it’s a tough game, somebody’s going to get hurt’ attitude needs to stop. It’s 2011; nobody should be putting themselves at risk or taking risks in the workplace,” he said.

“The government’s job is to make sure that companies live up to what they’re required to under the law.”

A long-term Pilbara BHP Billiton employee, who wished not to be named in fear it would cost him his job at the mining giant’s Whaleback iron ore operations, said the lack of a permanent safety inspector in Newman had made local workers uneasy.

The worker, who has been employed at Whaleback and living in Newman for several decades, said it took hours, and sometimes days, for independent inspectors to get on site after an incident.

He said routine safety checks by the Department were known by BHP well in advance.

“They know a week beforehand and the place gets tidied up. For all the years I’ve been here I’ve only once – and I’m a safety rep – been invited to go with an inspector around my work area. That’s pretty piss poor compared to what it should be.”

The employee said the time lapse between inspectors getting on site after an incident, particularly a death, increased the chance of the scene being compromised.

“I’ve known, not BHP, but different contractors that have fudged evidence,” he said.

“If we had an inspector in Newman these companies would know that there is an industry policeman out there ready to just walk in.”

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