Clean-up gives kids playtime a boost

Ben LeahyNorth West Telegraph

Children living in the Irrungadji Community, near Nullagine, should enjoy their playtime more now trailer loads of old cars, home appliances and rubbish have been removed from the area.

Nullagine police Senior Constable Peter Oakley said his station partnered with community members, including chairman Neil O’Connor, and Millennium Minerals earlier this month to put the day on.

While the police rolled into town with trailers on the back of their paddy wagons, Millennium Minerals brought in heavy equipment to remove the large rubbish as well as refreshments for the barbecue.

“It was a really good day,” Sen. Const. Oakley said.

“We have improved our relationships with the community by organising this and assisting in the clean-up.

“All the community came out and assisted ... (and) especially for the children, it gives them a better environment to play in.”

He said participants planned another clean-up this week and he was hopeful Millennium Minerals staff would return in August to help fix any community homes in need of repairs.

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