Decade of care for turtles celebrated

Ben LeahyNorth West Telegraph
Camera IconDavid Waayers guides the turtle monitor group in 2014. Credit: North West Telegraph

Marine biologist David Waayers praised Hedland volunteers last month for their 11 years protecting thousands of flatback turtle nests and promoting responsible building development.

Speaking at the Care for Hedland end of season dinner for volunteers on March 19, Mr Waayers said the program had helped ensure lighting and other development pressures from Cooke Point and the port did not interfere with nearby nesting beaches.

"We have a big bank of monitoring data now from the last 11 years," he said.

"When that is compiled, analysed and reported correctly, you end up with powerful information that helps to shape and mould how development might be done on the coastline."

"(Also), when I first got here, foxes were digging up the majority of nests, up to 88 per cent were being predated upon, and over the last four years there hasn't been any fox sightings."


Mr Waayer's talk comes as flatbacks and many other West Australian marine turtles remain on the endangered species list.

But because of work by Care for Hedland and other groups, he said flatbacks were in a better position now there had been a large collection of studies done on their nesting and up to 150 now wore satellite trackers.

The Perth-based researcher can also lay claim to a share of the credit after he taught Care for Hedland chairwoman Kelly Howlett how to conduct the monitoring work in 2004.

"Tonight was about celebrating that decade and the fact Kelly still nurtures a group of people who are interested in saving a threatened species and making a difference in Port Hedland," he said.

Care for Hedland also used the dinner to honour the next generation of turtle conservationists by presenting Ziva Trenfield, 4, with the junior monitor of the year award for spending most weekends helping with her mum.

Resident Stephanie Roe claimed the chairwoman's volunteer of the year award, while Simone Thorley was awarded the most valuable gong for being a reliable presence on the beach each week.

Mr Waayers said many volunteers loved turtles not only because they played an important ecological role in the ocean, but because they were great survivors.

"They are prehistoric animals … that have survived three ice ages and we should respect that," he said.

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