Shooters cut fine Silhouette

Philip MurrayNorth West Telegraph

Sunday turned on a beautiful day for Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette with only a light breeze and low humidity.

The Hedland Sporting Shooters Club will send its team to Perth at Easter time to compete in the State CLAS Championships, and every opportunity for competition and practice is of paramount importance.

The first event of the day was Small Bore Rimfire.

Jason “Buzz” Basolla impressed in his first shoot after a long lay-off by taking out first place with a score of 19.

Philip Murray also impressed with his new-found form to take out second place with a score of 18.


Cairn Green managed a score of 16 to take out third place with a score of 16, narrowly ousting out his wife Belinda Green, who took out fourth place with a credible score of 15.

In the pistol class, the wind and the heat, started to pick up.

Chris Lefroy shot another brilliant score of 27 to cement first place easily ahead of Green in second place with a score of 22.

Murray lost his concentration momentarily, but hung on for third place with a score of 21.

In the rifle cartridge class, Ron Wynn impressed by taking out first place with a score of 22.

Husband-and-wife team Peter and Di Nicholls impressed again by taking out second and third place with respective scores of 20 and 19.

Next week’s competition is Metallic Silhouette, where targets are smaller and harder to score on. The “big guns” shoot all the way out to 500m.

Spectators are always welcome.

Any inquiries’ about the club and its competition can be made to Peter and Di Nicholls at Harvey King Firearms in Port Hedland.

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