Smoothie bike causes stir

Sophia ConstantineNorth West Telegraph

Students at South Hedland Primary School were presented with a smoothie bicycle last week to encourage and promote health and nutrition in classes.

Atlas Iron presented the bicycle to EON foundation, a WA not-for-proft organisation that delivers fortnightly nutrition, cooking and gardening education in remote schools, as part of its Helping Hands grants program.

These are one-off grants valued at up to $5000 that are available to community and not-for-profit organisations in the Pilbara.

The bicycle, which has a blender attached to the front, will be used as an ongoing resource in nutrition classes to encourage students to use pedal power to create healthy food using fruit and vegetables grown in their school gardens.

Atlas managing director and chief executive Cliff Lawrenson said Atlas was committed to developing long-term social, environmental and economic benefits to communities in the Pilbara.

South Hedland Primary School deputy principal Jules Rose said students had been developing a keen interest in their local food in the school gardens, which had flourished because of consistent rainfall.

The EON foundation will also visit schools in Marble Bar, Warralong and Yandeyarra to spread the message.

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