Uphill battle to grow town's population

Ben LeahyNorth West Telegraph
Camera IconAerial view of Port Hedland harbour Credit: North West Telegraph

Even with a new naval base, university campus and steel fabrication industry, Port Hedland would still not grow into a city with 50,000 people, modelling by the State planning department suggests.

Speaking at a conference in Hedland last month, Department of Planning urban economist Brian Martin said he could predict Pilbara economic and population outcomes by plugging variables into a sophisticated computer model.

Mr Martin said he ran one model which converted one-third of the current fly-in fly-out workers into Hedland residents, doubled iron ore production and added new facilities to the town, such as an algae farm and university campus.

But even the extra jobs and other changes did not bring enough new residents to Hedland to meet State Government population targets.

"We added as many new projects as we could think of … into Port Hedland and we came up towards the 50,000 (people), but were still short of it," he said.


The modelling shows the challenges ahead for the WA Government and its Pilbara Cities vision to grow Karratha and Hedland into cities of 50,000 people and Newman into a town of 15,000. Mr Martin said the modelling showed even with Hedland's population boosted to near 50,000, it had little effect on the surrounding region.

"The flow-on benefits to Karratha and the East Pilbara were very minor," he said.

"And the same applies if you put all those new activities into the Shire of Roebourne."

Despite the challenges, Mr Martin said the message from his studies was not that the region's population could not grow, but rather the Pilbara needed to be made an attractive place to live so more people chose to become residents.

He said too much money leaked from the region because FIFO workers spent their wages elsewhere and because most businesses bought their materials and even workforce from elsewhere as well.

And it is not just the mining industry's fault, because Mr Martin said even sectors such as education and policing had workers travelling up to the Pilbara on an irregular FIFO basis.

"Having a local resident was much more important to the economy than having a fly-in fly-out (worker), because they spend their money locally … and in the model that has a big impact," he said.

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