Women’s refuge gets fund boost

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Hedland Women’s Refuge has received a funding boost with a grant in the 2017 Pilbara Community Chest Fund.

Along with multiple other Pilbara community projects, Hedland Women’s Refuge received a grant of $19,910 from Royalties for Regions to support locally driven projects.

Refuge vice-chairwoman Alex Dandie said the refuge was incredibly grateful for the funding and the continued support from the community and State Government was always appreciated.

“For us, the grant means we’re able to upgrade our security system which is critical to ensure the safety of our women and their children as well as our own team,” she said.

“The refuge is, by its very nature, a safe haven for women in need and our security system has been in need of an upgrade for some time.”

The not-for-profit refuge is looking for people to join the board of the refuge to help sustain the ongoing support the refuge gives community members in need.

If you feel you would be a good fit, contact the refuge’s secretary at teniele_19@hotmail.com.

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