Young stars up for award

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Two young Hedlanders have been nominated for the West Australian Young Achiever Awards.

Jesse Pawloff and Neryssa Brown have both been nominated by co-workers and friends for the Awards Australia Community Service and Volunteering Award for their outstanding contribution and positive impact on the lives of others and their community.

Ms Brown came to Port Hedland for a two-week holiday three years and ago and fell in love with the town and everything the Youth Involvement Council does.

Youth Involvement Council manager Kristal-Kareen Myllie nominated Ms Brown for demonstrating passion and commitment to improving conditions for young people in the community.

Ms Brown said she loved her job, meeting people, hearing their stories and all the opportunities that come with being involved with community service.


“My favourite part about it is hopefully making a difference in young people’s lives around Hedland,” she said. “It’s more of a fulfilling job than your regular nine-to-five.”

Ms Brown, however, isn’t the only star of Hedland with Mr Pawloff one of the leading men at the Hedland Community Radio station both on air and off.

His nominator Joan Foley called Mr Pawloff who, at age 13 began volunteering with the Hedland Community Radio, the delight of the town.

“He’s such a kind-hearted person,” Ms Foley said.

“In this town people know and respect him. If we’re doing anything he’s the first to volunteer, he’s always actively involved in what’s going on.

“ He’s incredibly valued and appreciated for all he does.”

Ms Brown and Mr Pawloff will join the rest of the award finalists at an awards gala presentation dinner at Pan Pacific in Perth on May 12.

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