Residents urged to get ready to Clean Up Hedland

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Clean Up Australia Day has arrived and residents are being encouraged to help community groups by volunteering at one of the registered sites around town.

For the 14th year running, environmental group Care For Hedland will lead local efforts on Wilson Street, Cemetery Beach, Pretty Pool and Scadden Road.

The weekend-long clean-up activities begin on Saturday with an Adopt-A-Spot on Wilson Road at Port Hedland Shopping Centre Boulevard at 7am.

After the major road clean-up, there will be clean-up activities on Sunday from 7am.

Volunteers for the Cemetery Beach clean-up should meet at the Cemetery Beach park on Sunday, Pretty Pool participants should head to the Pretty Pool Park and Scadden Road activities will begin beside the last lot of units across the road from the TAFE entrance.

In the past 26 years, Clean Up Australia Day volunteers have donated more than 31 million hours, removing more than 331 thousand tonnes of rubbish from Hedland streets, beaches, parks, bushland and local waterways.

For further details, contact Care For Hedland co-ordinator Melissa Wood at or phone 0488 907 260

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