Belle Taylor: Should Arj Barker have kicked a mum and her baby out of his Melbourne show?
Did you hear the one about the mother who took her seven-month-old baby to a comedy show? She wanted a punchline – she became a punching bag.
Melbourne mother Trish Faranda has made headlines after claiming to have been humiliated when comedian Arj Barker asked her to leave his Melbourne Comedy Festival show because her seven-month-old daughter, who was sitting on her lap, was being too noisy.
Several other women in the audience walked out in solidarity with Faranda, and others encouraged her to leave. Following the incident, Faranda and Barker both gave a series of media interviews, each stating their case. The baby has yet to give her side of the story.

Should a baby be at a comedy show? As someone who has done plenty of stand-up comedy and wrangled two babies, I feel qualified to say: Of course not. Seven-month-olds are wriggly, noisy things. Watching stand-up comedy requires no wriggling and minimal noise from the audience. Babies belong in playgrounds and creches and beaches. If you want your baby to disrupt people in a public place, do what normal people do and take them for lunch at the IKEA cafeteria, where everyone is rethinking their life choices anyway.
Now, should Barker have asked Faranda to leave? Probably not. Comedians tend to be battle-hardened, wriggly, noisy things. Getting the audience on the side is half the battle; keeping them there is how you win the war. Turning half the room against you in the first ten minutes of your show is a risky move. Barker has been around long enough to know how to handle hecklers; surely he could have managed a tiny baby?
In media interviews, Faranda mentioned she had bought tickets to the show several months earlier. I suspect she was not thinking clearly about the age of her infant by the time the performance rolled around. A three-month-old would probably snooze in her mother’s arms. A seven-month-old has things to say, mainly, “Who is this hack trying to be funny, and why aren’t I in bed?”
News reports also mentioned that this was Faranda’s third child. The more children you have, the less aware you are of their noise. My first born, I would leap at every gurgle. My second has to scream the house/IKEA cafeteria down before I look around distractedly and ask, “ Did you say something?”
I also suspect she just didn’t think it through, and as a mum – hard relate.
There have been plenty of occasions I have taken my kids out somewhere thinking we’re going to have a lovely time and suddenly I’m giving interviews to A Current Affair on my life choices.
I took both my kids to a children’s Fringe World show earlier this year. We had to leave halfway through as the little one refused to sit still and tried to run around the Spiegeltent and onto the stage. I had to drag her out of there, stage whispering to the older one: “I’M GOING TO TAKE YOUR SISTER OUTSIDE I’LL MEET YOU OUT FRONT AFTER THE SHOW”. To which he yelled back: “NO! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE BY MYSELF”, leaving me to whisper: “SWEET GEEZUS, COME WITH US THEN I WILL BUY YOU ICE CREAM JUST PLEASE BE QUIET!” while copping death stares from the crowd.
Fortunately, I didn’t have to go on The Project afterwards.
But to any new parents watching this whole saga unfold who are slightly concerned about ever leaving the house again: stress less. Your baby will grow up, you will be able to leave the house again, and Barker tours all the time. Just make sure you book the babysitter.
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